Thursday, December 31, 2009

Things I've learned this year

December 1997 I started at my first church as a part time youth director and a freshman at the University of South Carolina.  I also started as a Young Life leader.  Over the past 12 years I have changed in different ways but have also learned to go back to things that have worked in the past.

For the most part my schedule for youth group on a typical Sunday night has stayed the same.  We sing a couple songs, have a funny skit or game, and have a lesson.  Over the years, I have taken games and skits in and out of the routine.  I have had one song and we have had six songs in one night.

This fall I have started to bring the funny/messy games back in youth ministry.  For a while I removed them.

So I recently went back to my adult volunteer handbook and realized I need to get back to do somethings I used to do.

Here is a summary of the what/whys we do the different areas in youth ministry here....

Youth Programming:

Sunday Nights are focused on outreach.  God calls us to reach the masses and to be fishers of men.  Matthew 4:19.   We will accomplish this through Music, Games, Skits, and Talks.  Sunday nights are our drawing card.  Our goal is to create a non-threatening environment where students can hear the gospel.  There are a great number of students that are hesitant to come to a “church” function.  They associate it with words like boring, hypocritical, judgmental, and useless.  Our focus is to show them that being a Christian is not any of those words, but that Christian life can be fun!

Music is very important to relate to teenagers.  We use secular songs and oldies to relate to teens who do not have a real relationship with God.   We’ll be singing some secular songs (as long as they don’t take away from the overall message of the Word) so that they can immediately feel comfortable being here.  In short, we want them to know who the Lord is before we start singing “Lord I life Your Name on High”.We use worship to help us understand God’s character.  We use worship as an active response to God.    Worship and singing builds community and can be a transforming power.  When we encounter God for who He is and see ourselves for who we are, we are truly changed and transformed.  Worship is not based on performance.  It means taking the opportunity to encounter the living God and having the space to respond to Him creatively.  It is examining the depths of God and the depths of our hearts and responding to what we find there.  Music also helps the students become engaged and train their attention to the front for the message.

Games are also very important way for teenagers to relate.   It brings the group together and builds community.  It helps break barriers between one another.  It allows teenagers to see the other side of themselves and the adults.  Shows that Christianity can be fun!

Skits and videos are important by adding humor.  Humor adds an element of fun to youth.  It brings the group together, it focuses the attention up front, and it helps to break barriers.  We use humor to break down the stereotypes of adolescents. We use humor to reach the cynical kids sitting in the back—not paying attention or participating.  Humor can pull those people in.

Talk: Sharing a story or illustration that might give direction or create enthusiasm to consider their personal relationship with Christ.

We are following the example of Christ…He communicated personally with people.  Luke 14:15, Mark 5:30-44, John 4.   He seized the opportunities to communicate with people.  He always found a point of contact.    He showed interest in them first.  He used their language and illustrations they could understand.  We are commanded to go into the world and make disciples of men.  We are not to wait for them to come to us.  Matt. 28-18-20, Acts 1:8.  We are to nurture the flock, because of our love for Jesus Christ.  John 21:15-18.  It is about helping youth apply what they learned into their daily lives. It helps them see the impact they can have on others.

Wednesday Night Bible Study is a time that we can sit down and be more serious in the study of God’s word to us.  We will increase our knowledge of Jesus Christ and the word of God and how it relates to the lives of today’s teenagers.  Jesus spent time with his disciples one on one, before He sent them out to the masses.

Small Groups allow for relational ministry aimed at developing young people spiritually. The young people discuss issues relevant to their Christian walk and life. Small groups allow for more focused interaction, greater learning, as well as mentorship and modeling from the leaders and other members. It provides security and a place of belonging for young people.

Hanging out with Youth:  going to school lunch, football games, concerts, after MYF, etc…

It is about building a bridge of friendship…identifying with people where they are at.  It is understanding and penetrating a culture while demonstrating Christ’s Love for everyone.

  • We are following the example of Christ…John 1:14, John 3:1-16, Mark 2:15

  • He entered their world…He went to them.

  • He treated people as valuable individuals.

  • He cared for people in every strata of society.

  • He respected dignity.
    He assumed the role of a servant

  • He communicated personally with people.  Luke 14:15, Mark 5:30-44, John 4

Things I've learned this year

December 1997 I started at my first church as a part time youth director and a freshman at the University of South Carolina.  I also started as a Young Life leader.  Over the past 12 years I have changed in different ways but have also learned to go back to things that have worked in the past.

For the most part my schedule for youth group on a typical Sunday night has stayed the same.  We sing a couple songs, have a funny skit or game, and have a lesson.  Over the years, I have taken games and skits in and out of the routine.  I have had one song and we have had six songs in one night.

This fall I have started to bring the funny/messy games back in youth ministry.  For a while I removed them.

So I recently went back to my adult volunteer handbook and realized I need to get back to do somethings I used to do.

Here is a summary of the what/whys we do the different areas in youth ministry here....

Youth Programming:

Sunday Nights are focused on outreach.  God calls us to reach the masses and to be fishers of men.  Matthew 4:19.   We will accomplish this through Music, Games, Skits, and Talks.  Sunday nights are our drawing card.  Our goal is to create a non-threatening environment where students can hear the gospel.  There are a great number of students that are hesitant to come to a “church” function.  They associate it with words like boring, hypocritical, judgmental, and useless.  Our focus is to show them that being a Christian is not any of those words, but that Christian life can be fun!

Music is very important to relate to teenagers.  We use secular songs and oldies to relate to teens who do not have a real relationship with God.   We’ll be singing some secular songs (as long as they don’t take away from the overall message of the Word) so that they can immediately feel comfortable being here.  In short, we want them to know who the Lord is before we start singing “Lord I life Your Name on High”.We use worship to help us understand God’s character.  We use worship as an active response to God.    Worship and singing builds community and can be a transforming power.  When we encounter God for who He is and see ourselves for who we are, we are truly changed and transformed.  Worship is not based on performance.  It means taking the opportunity to encounter the living God and having the space to respond to Him creatively.  It is examining the depths of God and the depths of our hearts and responding to what we find there.  Music also helps the students become engaged and train their attention to the front for the message.

Games are also very important way for teenagers to relate.   It brings the group together and builds community.  It helps break barriers between one another.  It allows teenagers to see the other side of themselves and the adults.  Shows that Christianity can be fun!

Skits and videos are important by adding humor.  Humor adds an element of fun to youth.  It brings the group together, it focuses the attention up front, and it helps to break barriers.  We use humor to break down the stereotypes of adolescents. We use humor to reach the cynical kids sitting in the back—not paying attention or participating.  Humor can pull those people in.

Talk: Sharing a story or illustration that might give direction or create enthusiasm to consider their personal relationship with Christ.

We are following the example of Christ…He communicated personally with people.  Luke 14:15, Mark 5:30-44, John 4.   He seized the opportunities to communicate with people.  He always found a point of contact.    He showed interest in them first.  He used their language and illustrations they could understand.  We are commanded to go into the world and make disciples of men.  We are not to wait for them to come to us.  Matt. 28-18-20, Acts 1:8.  We are to nurture the flock, because of our love for Jesus Christ.  John 21:15-18.  It is about helping youth apply what they learned into their daily lives. It helps them see the impact they can have on others.

Wednesday Night Bible Study is a time that we can sit down and be more serious in the study of God’s word to us.  We will increase our knowledge of Jesus Christ and the word of God and how it relates to the lives of today’s teenagers.  Jesus spent time with his disciples one on one, before He sent them out to the masses.

Small Groups allow for relational ministry aimed at developing young people spiritually. The young people discuss issues relevant to their Christian walk and life. Small groups allow for more focused interaction, greater learning, as well as mentorship and modeling from the leaders and other members. It provides security and a place of belonging for young people.

Hanging out with Youth:  going to school lunch, football games, concerts, after MYF, etc…

It is about building a bridge of friendship…identifying with people where they are at.  It is understanding and penetrating a culture while demonstrating Christ’s Love for everyone.

  • We are following the example of Christ…John 1:14, John 3:1-16, Mark 2:15

  • He entered their world…He went to them.

  • He treated people as valuable individuals.

  • He cared for people in every strata of society.

  • He respected dignity.
    He assumed the role of a servant

  • He communicated personally with people.  Luke 14:15, Mark 5:30-44, John 4

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 Year in Review

This year I really wanted to blog more...and for a while I was really good and updated regularly...

So first goal of 2010 is to blog more and also stockpile extra ideas and blogs for days when I don't have the ideas or the time!

But lets get back to 2009

It was a good but crazy year.

I finished another year working on my Masters of Christian Education.  I will graduate in May2010.  I have really three classes left in 2010 (1 Jan-term, 1 semester course, and 1 Maymester)!

In February 0f 2009, we found out that Jessica was Pregnant

In March of 2009, I turned 30 and went to Disney with Jessica and my parents and also to the Atlanta Braves Spring Training!

In March, we also unveiled our new Revolution Student Ministries Logo and shirts!  We also went on our Spring Retreat to Awanita where a college friend of mine Josh Ridings and his band the Josh Ridings Band led worship for us.  (Go buy their CD...THEY ROCK MY FACE OFF!)

Over the Summer, we took our youth to River of Life again and God worked through our students in so many ways.  We also took a group to New Orleans and it was amazing....You can see our blogs here from New Orleans

In July I also started wearing a CPAP to help me sleep and not snore at night!  It has given me so much more energy and has also allowed my wife to sleep again through the night!  In August I also had surgery for a deviated septum.  That also has helped me breathe.

The fall was another year of Gamecock Football.  We had our seats moved due to the YES campaign by USC.  And for us, we moved from the upper deck to the South Endzone.  It was a really good upgrade for us.  I went to all the games until October and went to the last 2 games.

October 7th/8th were days I will never forget.  On October 8th, Mallory Reagan was born.  She has been such a gift from God.  I cannot put into words what it is to be a father and to see her grow up daily.  God truly blessed us with our daughter.

In November I went to the National Youth Workers Convention in Atlanta for the second straight year.  It was more than I needed!  It really rocked my world.

On November 29th, I had to preach for part of ordination process of becoming a Deacon.  And more importantly I assisted in the baptism of Mallory!

And in December I finished up my last real full semester of my Master's now I am working hard to finish my writing for my papers for becoming an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church...have to finish all of it by January 25th!

So with the challenge of a good friend, I hope to blog almost everyday in 2010!

2009 Year in Review

This year I really wanted to blog more...and for a while I was really good and updated regularly...

So first goal of 2010 is to blog more and also stockpile extra ideas and blogs for days when I don't have the ideas or the time!

But lets get back to 2009

It was a good but crazy year.

I finished another year working on my Masters of Christian Education.  I will graduate in May2010.  I have really three classes left in 2010 (1 Jan-term, 1 semester course, and 1 Maymester)!

In February 0f 2009, we found out that Jessica was Pregnant

In March of 2009, I turned 30 and went to Disney with Jessica and my parents and also to the Atlanta Braves Spring Training!

In March, we also unveiled our new Revolution Student Ministries Logo and shirts!  We also went on our Spring Retreat to Awanita where a college friend of mine Josh Ridings and his band the Josh Ridings Band led worship for us.  (Go buy their CD...THEY ROCK MY FACE OFF!)

Over the Summer, we took our youth to River of Life again and God worked through our students in so many ways.  We also took a group to New Orleans and it was amazing....You can see our blogs here from New Orleans

In July I also started wearing a CPAP to help me sleep and not snore at night!  It has given me so much more energy and has also allowed my wife to sleep again through the night!  In August I also had surgery for a deviated septum.  That also has helped me breathe.

The fall was another year of Gamecock Football.  We had our seats moved due to the YES campaign by USC.  And for us, we moved from the upper deck to the South Endzone.  It was a really good upgrade for us.  I went to all the games until October and went to the last 2 games.

October 7th/8th were days I will never forget.  On October 8th, Mallory Reagan was born.  She has been such a gift from God.  I cannot put into words what it is to be a father and to see her grow up daily.  God truly blessed us with our daughter.

In November I went to the National Youth Workers Convention in Atlanta for the second straight year.  It was more than I needed!  It really rocked my world.

On November 29th, I had to preach for part of ordination process of becoming a Deacon.  And more importantly I assisted in the baptism of Mallory!

And in December I finished up my last real full semester of my Master's now I am working hard to finish my writing for my papers for becoming an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church...have to finish all of it by January 25th!

So with the challenge of a good friend, I hope to blog almost everyday in 2010!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Celebrating the life of my brother 9/12/84-12/01/07

Tonight I got the chance to share the devotion for my worship class.  I asked everyone what songs were special to them and their walk with God. After everyone I shared I read my brother's blog from three years ago.  Michael's life changed others and have led many to the foot of the Cross.   Music can bring us back to God.  Music can lead us to God.  I know for me, when I get "luke-warm"  Music is what helps get my tail in gear.  What songs help you get back with God?  What songs can you share to help lead someone to God?  I look back and if Tommy wouldn't have given me the UnderOath CD....then I would have never bought it for my brother....

Here is Michael's Blog Posting

Read this! It might explain what is going on in my life
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 12:18am

Okay, some people know the story behind what I have gone through in the past couple of weeks and others don't. I have recently decided to give up my life of crap and pursue God. I know what some people are thinking, you are Pounding Mike and you will never change. Let me tell you something, I have changed. God has shown me that I can do this with his help. I have seen many different things in the past few weeks that have allowed me to see God is there. Let me tell you my story.

Two weeks ago I went home to go hunting. I found myself sitting in the deerstand on that Firday bored and not feeling good about some things in my life. The week prior to this, I often found myself wondering why I felt so bad after going out. Why did I feel so empty? As I sat there, I simply asked God to show me something cool and amazing. A few minutes later a deer passed by and then two more. Immediately following that I saw a few more. I am thinking to myself at this point, that it is just hunting and it can't be God. Then out of nowhere comes a racoon, bobcat and Great Blue Herring. Okay, something is going on here, but it can't be God. This is what I keep thinking. The next morning, I pull out my sportsman's bilble and the first verse I turn to is Revelation 3:16, which states if you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out. I figured this to me some kind of sign, but pushed it to the side. On Sunday, I was on my way back to Athens when I put in the new Underoath cd. I couldn't understand the lyrics at first but then I heard exactly what I needed to hear. It said: 'wake up, wake up! What are you so afraid of? The hands will pull you out, it's all worth reaching for!' Wow, is all that i could say. So I asked my friend Jessie what I should make out of this. We talked for a few days and I started to see what was going on. God wanted me! So I went to Campus Outreach to check out some more options. The speaker said the Revelations verse I had read and I knew right then that God was calling me out. So on Thursday, after talking to my boy Caleb, I sat outside of my house and decided to give it all up and take God into my heart for real this time.

Let me tell you, it has been amazing. It will be hard at times, but I am sure I can look back and see what God has done. Even as I write this, I am having a hard time not wanting to post this for the fear of what someone might say. But I have to do this because I want you to know what has happened in my life. I want you to know that I will always love my friends and I will never force anything on them. I hope that some of you that read this talk to me so I can show you how much this has changed me. I love all of you!

Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—


Here are the two videos I made to remember my brother...

Celebrating the life of my brother 9/12/84-12/01/07

Tonight I got the chance to share the devotion for my worship class.  I asked everyone what songs were special to them and their walk with God. After everyone I shared I read my brother's blog from three years ago.  Michael's life changed others and have led many to the foot of the Cross.   Music can bring us back to God.  Music can lead us to God.  I know for me, when I get "luke-warm"  Music is what helps get my tail in gear.  What songs help you get back with God?  What songs can you share to help lead someone to God?  I look back and if Tommy wouldn't have given me the UnderOath CD....then I would have never bought it for my brother....

Here is Michael's Blog Posting

Read this! It might explain what is going on in my life
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 12:18am

Okay, some people know the story behind what I have gone through in the past couple of weeks and others don't. I have recently decided to give up my life of crap and pursue God. I know what some people are thinking, you are Pounding Mike and you will never change. Let me tell you something, I have changed. God has shown me that I can do this with his help. I have seen many different things in the past few weeks that have allowed me to see God is there. Let me tell you my story.

Two weeks ago I went home to go hunting. I found myself sitting in the deerstand on that Firday bored and not feeling good about some things in my life. The week prior to this, I often found myself wondering why I felt so bad after going out. Why did I feel so empty? As I sat there, I simply asked God to show me something cool and amazing. A few minutes later a deer passed by and then two more. Immediately following that I saw a few more. I am thinking to myself at this point, that it is just hunting and it can't be God. Then out of nowhere comes a racoon, bobcat and Great Blue Herring. Okay, something is going on here, but it can't be God. This is what I keep thinking. The next morning, I pull out my sportsman's bilble and the first verse I turn to is Revelation 3:16, which states if you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out. I figured this to me some kind of sign, but pushed it to the side. On Sunday, I was on my way back to Athens when I put in the new Underoath cd. I couldn't understand the lyrics at first but then I heard exactly what I needed to hear. It said: 'wake up, wake up! What are you so afraid of? The hands will pull you out, it's all worth reaching for!' Wow, is all that i could say. So I asked my friend Jessie what I should make out of this. We talked for a few days and I started to see what was going on. God wanted me! So I went to Campus Outreach to check out some more options. The speaker said the Revelations verse I had read and I knew right then that God was calling me out. So on Thursday, after talking to my boy Caleb, I sat outside of my house and decided to give it all up and take God into my heart for real this time.

Let me tell you, it has been amazing. It will be hard at times, but I am sure I can look back and see what God has done. Even as I write this, I am having a hard time not wanting to post this for the fear of what someone might say. But I have to do this because I want you to know what has happened in my life. I want you to know that I will always love my friends and I will never force anything on them. I hope that some of you that read this talk to me so I can show you how much this has changed me. I love all of you!

Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—


Here are the two videos I made to remember my brother...

Monday, September 7, 2009

An interesting weekend

Last Thursday, Jessica and I went to the USC/NC state game in Raleigh.     It was a good time with our church friends the Meyer family.  We followed them up there and went to their daughter Caroline's new apartment.  After that we departed for the stadium.  Wells and Zach rode with me so we could find a parking spot and Jess rode with the Meyer clan so they could use Caroline's parking pass and park close.  Well after 2 hours of driving around we finally found a parking spot.  I have been to over 12 college campuses over the years for football games and this is the first one that did not have good parking, public parking, a pay lot....It was very disorganized.  So we all went to the game...Saw a sloppy first game...but we got the 1-0!

After the game we stayed with my college friends the Chandlers.  Jeff was one of my groomsman in my wedding.  One of my best friends, who has kept me in check spiritually for the past 9 years.  It was a great visit.  We finally got to see their little girl Vera and their little boy Tuck.  They are the cutest kids!  We are very thankful to have the Jeff and Lynn in our lives.  They are great people.

So Friday we came home, I went to work and then we got a movie, cooked out and relaxed.....

Saturday morning, Jessica woke me up at 4:30ish and said she was calling in and not going to work.   At 5:30AM we headed to the hospital...she was having contractions.  They checked her out and she was okay, but had to get a shot and some medicines to stop the contractions.

So Saturday, we just slept on and off all day and watched football.

Sunday....she came home early from work, still having contractions....

So right now we are just praying and waiting to go to the doctor Tuesday morning to see what the status is.

Looks like Mallory Reagan Hendrickson might be coming before October 17th!

We'll keep you posted!

And GO GAMECOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

An interesting weekend

Last Thursday, Jessica and I went to the USC/NC state game in Raleigh.     It was a good time with our church friends the Meyer family.  We followed them up there and went to their daughter Caroline's new apartment.  After that we departed for the stadium.  Wells and Zach rode with me so we could find a parking spot and Jess rode with the Meyer clan so they could use Caroline's parking pass and park close.  Well after 2 hours of driving around we finally found a parking spot.  I have been to over 12 college campuses over the years for football games and this is the first one that did not have good parking, public parking, a pay lot....It was very disorganized.  So we all went to the game...Saw a sloppy first game...but we got the 1-0!

After the game we stayed with my college friends the Chandlers.  Jeff was one of my groomsman in my wedding.  One of my best friends, who has kept me in check spiritually for the past 9 years.  It was a great visit.  We finally got to see their little girl Vera and their little boy Tuck.  They are the cutest kids!  We are very thankful to have the Jeff and Lynn in our lives.  They are great people.

So Friday we came home, I went to work and then we got a movie, cooked out and relaxed.....

Saturday morning, Jessica woke me up at 4:30ish and said she was calling in and not going to work.   At 5:30AM we headed to the hospital...she was having contractions.  They checked her out and she was okay, but had to get a shot and some medicines to stop the contractions.

So Saturday, we just slept on and off all day and watched football.

Sunday....she came home early from work, still having contractions....

So right now we are just praying and waiting to go to the doctor Tuesday morning to see what the status is.

Looks like Mallory Reagan Hendrickson might be coming before October 17th!

We'll keep you posted!

And GO GAMECOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mall Cop Ends Scavenger Hunt


Yesterday, we continued our Revolution Student Ministries Summer with a trip to Concord Mills for a game of Mall Madness.

We had the students divided into 5 teams with their sheets of 44 items to find and be back by 4:30.

Being a youth pastor that likes to be prepared and cover all bases...I called in July to get it cleared with Concord Mills.  The Lady on the phone gave us the full okay and said that some stores do not allow it, so have your students be polite and thank them and move on to another store.

So we get there and let the students loose in the mall and start the adventure.  An hour and a half into this, we are sitting down eating lunch as an adult staff talking about the upcoming year and we get phone calls from one of our groups.  They said they are being held by security on the other end of the food court and we need to come very quickly.

And then the Mall Cop on the Segway ended the Scavenger Hunt.

"Mall Cop" was trying to be was very hard not to laugh.
All the stores had no problems with the students...just the 3 mall cops that had to show us who was in charge by bringing out a folded sheet of paper that stated no scavenger hunts.
And told us the lady that we talked to to get permission did not know this policy...
So now we just add it to the list of youth ministry...

So my feelings....

I was a little mad since we had called ahead and got permission, but then were told that everyone doesn't know of this policy.  But I was more upset that the Mall Cops held two of my students like they had done something severly wrong so everyone passing by could see.  I have put in a call to the head of Concord Mills and am waiting a return to call.

All in all it was a fun day, we did get to continue to stay there and go around, just had to end the game early....

Mall Cop Ends Scavenger Hunt


Yesterday, we continued our Revolution Student Ministries Summer with a trip to Concord Mills for a game of Mall Madness.

We had the students divided into 5 teams with their sheets of 44 items to find and be back by 4:30.

Being a youth pastor that likes to be prepared and cover all bases...I called in July to get it cleared with Concord Mills.  The Lady on the phone gave us the full okay and said that some stores do not allow it, so have your students be polite and thank them and move on to another store.

So we get there and let the students loose in the mall and start the adventure.  An hour and a half into this, we are sitting down eating lunch as an adult staff talking about the upcoming year and we get phone calls from one of our groups.  They said they are being held by security on the other end of the food court and we need to come very quickly.

And then the Mall Cop on the Segway ended the Scavenger Hunt.

"Mall Cop" was trying to be was very hard not to laugh.
All the stores had no problems with the students...just the 3 mall cops that had to show us who was in charge by bringing out a folded sheet of paper that stated no scavenger hunts.
And told us the lady that we talked to to get permission did not know this policy...
So now we just add it to the list of youth ministry...

So my feelings....

I was a little mad since we had called ahead and got permission, but then were told that everyone doesn't know of this policy.  But I was more upset that the Mall Cops held two of my students like they had done something severly wrong so everyone passing by could see.  I have put in a call to the head of Concord Mills and am waiting a return to call.

All in all it was a fun day, we did get to continue to stay there and go around, just had to end the game early....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's your Revolution this Summer?

Revolution is defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving"

Many of us have experienced this change from God in church, in Revolution youth, in small groups, on a retreat, on River of Life, on ASP, at a concert....but have we truly made the change in our ways of thinking or behaving?

My question to you is...are you part of a Revolution for God?
Are you making a change of you?
Can your friends see it?
Can your family see it?
If not, what do you need to do, to show your inner changes to the outer world?

Invite a friend this week to church, sunday school, or to our Scavenger Hunt.

Let's make our Revolution for God seen and heard all around!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"-Matthew 28:19

What's your Revolution this Summer?

Revolution is defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving"

Many of us have experienced this change from God in church, in Revolution youth, in small groups, on a retreat, on River of Life, on ASP, at a concert....but have we truly made the change in our ways of thinking or behaving?

My question to you is...are you part of a Revolution for God?
Are you making a change of you?
Can your friends see it?
Can your family see it?
If not, what do you need to do, to show your inner changes to the outer world?

Invite a friend this week to church, sunday school, or to our Scavenger Hunt.

Let's make our Revolution for God seen and heard all around!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"-Matthew 28:19

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekly Planning Sheet for Youth Ministry

For those who asked about the sheet I have adapted and use for weekly planning

Enjoy, Adapt, Share!

Weekly Planning Sheet for Youth Ministry

For those who asked about the sheet I have adapted and use for weekly planning

Enjoy, Adapt, Share!

Getting organized again in the office

A couple a weeks ago I started making a "To Do" list for the week to help get me on track, because I had several things I needed to do and wanted to make sure I didn't forget any of them. So at about 1am on a Saturday night, I emailed myself a list of ten things I needed to do that next week. By the time I got to the office to retrieve the list off my email I added about 5 more items. So the next two weeks I repeated and added the things I didnt complete from the week before. I thought that this was an amazing concept. So I told my good friend Mark about it....and he was like I thought you had made a sheet to do that and you used to use it at Tucker and Lithia....and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.... So after several minutes of searching I found my old sheet that I had created back in 2001 to keep me organized. So its back in place. I still have no clue why I stopped using it when I moved here in 2007, but its back and I love it! And if you need a copy, let me know and i'll send you it. It breaks down main events for the week, who to email, who to call, things to plan, and a place for brainstorming (which i love to use). Who says youth workers can't be organized!

Getting organized again in the office

A couple a weeks ago I started making a "To Do" list for the week to help get me on track, because I had several things I needed to do and wanted to make sure I didn't forget any of them. So at about 1am on a Saturday night, I emailed myself a list of ten things I needed to do that next week. By the time I got to the office to retrieve the list off my email I added about 5 more items. So the next two weeks I repeated and added the things I didnt complete from the week before. I thought that this was an amazing concept. So I told my good friend Mark about it....and he was like I thought you had made a sheet to do that and you used to use it at Tucker and Lithia....and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.... So after several minutes of searching I found my old sheet that I had created back in 2001 to keep me organized. So its back in place. I still have no clue why I stopped using it when I moved here in 2007, but its back and I love it! And if you need a copy, let me know and i'll send you it. It breaks down main events for the week, who to email, who to call, things to plan, and a place for brainstorming (which i love to use). Who says youth workers can't be organized!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm Proud to be an American

I'm Proud to be an American

River of Life 2009: Lincoln County, Georgia

All I can say is wow! What an amazing week! Over 255 participated in River of Life in Lincolnton, GA June 24-28, 2009. It was an amazing week of worship, serving, and fellowship. Once again over 24 families have new paint on their houses, new roofs over their heads, new porches to sit on, new wheelchair ramps to help them get out of their homes, landscaping, and even for one lady a new house all together. God is so great!

The one thing that has stayed in my head for the past week wherever I have gone since leaving Lincoln County has been the song by Tim Hughes that we sang that became our prayer during the week.

God of Justice (We must Go)

God of Justice, Savior to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry

Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord (x4)

Acting humbly
Loving mercy
We must go, we must go
To the broken
And the hurting
We must go, we must go

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

River of Life 2009: Lincoln County, Georgia

All I can say is wow! What an amazing week! Over 255 participated in River of Life in Lincolnton, GA June 24-28, 2009. It was an amazing week of worship, serving, and fellowship. Once again over 24 families have new paint on their houses, new roofs over their heads, new porches to sit on, new wheelchair ramps to help them get out of their homes, landscaping, and even for one lady a new house all together. God is so great!

The one thing that has stayed in my head for the past week wherever I have gone since leaving Lincoln County has been the song by Tim Hughes that we sang that became our prayer during the week.

God of Justice (We must Go)

God of Justice, Savior to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served

Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God

You have shown us, what You require
Freely we've received
Now freely we will give

We must go live to feed the hungry

Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord (x4)

Acting humbly
Loving mercy
We must go, we must go
To the broken
And the hurting
We must go, we must go

We must go live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Youth Sunday Pictures

Youth Sunday Pictures

Getting things together for the fall

Monday (yesterday) was a very productive day for me here in the office. Fresh off a great Youth Sunday, instead of taking a break, I kept things going in 5th gear!
I want to first thank all the students who participated in worship on Sunday. The students who spoke, prayed, read scripture did an amazing job! Our youth praise band did a great job at both services. It is amazing that they are all 13, 15, and 16 years old and put their whole heart into their worship! I'm working to get some of the video up on youtube later this week so you can check them out!
Sunday Night after our Summer Outing to the Xtreme ICE, I talked with a good friend Mark Ashby, who is also a youth pastor and a former youth of mine and we talked Youth ministry and our up coming fall, fall retreat, and stuff. So on Monday, we teleconferenced and worked out our lessons plans for September 09 through May 2010! A lot of prayer went into planning out our next year for our students. I am really excited about this upcoming year, making some small changes to Sunday nights here, and also bringing back some things from years past that I have no clue why I stopped doing them. I have learned a lot over the past couple of weeks. I have had some great spiritual time of late and some great ministry moments. I have been reading a lot and getting myself back into a place that I haven't seen since my brother passed away a year and a half ago. It has been tough, I have let some people down. I have let some students down. I have let God down. Put I'm not staying down. I'm running the race for God and have put on my running shoes!

Getting things together for the fall

Monday (yesterday) was a very productive day for me here in the office. Fresh off a great Youth Sunday, instead of taking a break, I kept things going in 5th gear!
I want to first thank all the students who participated in worship on Sunday. The students who spoke, prayed, read scripture did an amazing job! Our youth praise band did a great job at both services. It is amazing that they are all 13, 15, and 16 years old and put their whole heart into their worship! I'm working to get some of the video up on youtube later this week so you can check them out!
Sunday Night after our Summer Outing to the Xtreme ICE, I talked with a good friend Mark Ashby, who is also a youth pastor and a former youth of mine and we talked Youth ministry and our up coming fall, fall retreat, and stuff. So on Monday, we teleconferenced and worked out our lessons plans for September 09 through May 2010! A lot of prayer went into planning out our next year for our students. I am really excited about this upcoming year, making some small changes to Sunday nights here, and also bringing back some things from years past that I have no clue why I stopped doing them. I have learned a lot over the past couple of weeks. I have had some great spiritual time of late and some great ministry moments. I have been reading a lot and getting myself back into a place that I haven't seen since my brother passed away a year and a half ago. It has been tough, I have let some people down. I have let some students down. I have let God down. Put I'm not staying down. I'm running the race for God and have put on my running shoes!

Monday, June 15, 2009

What shoes are you wearing?

Here is the cliff notes version of my sermon for June 14, 2009 for Youth Sunday

What shoes are you wearing?

Forrest Gump Clip 1
“My momma always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where the go, where they've been. I've worn lots of shoes, I bet if I think about it real hard I can remember my first pair of shoes. Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.”

I challenge you this morning as we talk about all the shoes, to look and see which shoes you have worn in your life and what shoes you are wearing today.

2 John 1:4-6 4It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

Ephesians 6:14-15, - Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Intro Story on TOMS SHOES

OLD HOUSESHOES - I've made a commitment to Christ, but I've been pretty lazy when it comes to serving Him.

DRESS SHOES I have a nice, shiny faith on the outside, but I only bring it out on Sunday's and special occasions.

WORN OUT SHOES - I've come a long way, but I need some serious healing.
Matthew 15:8 “These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.”

SILLY ANIMAL HOUSESHOES My spiritual life is a joke. I don't take serving Jesus seriously. I want everyone to look at me instead of God.

SANDALS - When the weather is good and the sun is shining, I'm out there walking with the best of them - but when things get stormy, I get discouraged and quit.
John 8:12, 12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

WORK BOOTS It's been hard work lately, but I'm actually following through on my responsibilities.

Forrest Gump Clip 2
“Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!”

RUNNING SHOES - I feel like God is helping me to finish the race.
Isaiah 40:29-31, 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Which of these shoes best represents your own walk with Christ? Walking with Christ means knowing Him and obeying Him. As we do this our minds become transformed to be more like the mind of Christ. It means that when you stumble, and we all will, that you will get back up, dust yourself off, and start walking again. Because as followers of Christ, we know that we are not walking alone. He is with us every step of the way, offering encouragement and love. As believers we also know what awaits us at the end of this eternity in the presence of our loving God.

Because as followers of Christ, we know that we are not walking alone. He is with us every step of the way, offering encouragement and love.

As believers we also know what awaits us at the end of this eternity in the presence of our loving God.

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

After hearing this, we should all hear the saying, “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes” you’ll have a new understanding….

What shoes are you wearing?

Here is the cliff notes version of my sermon for June 14, 2009 for Youth Sunday

What shoes are you wearing?

Forrest Gump Clip 1
“My momma always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where the go, where they've been. I've worn lots of shoes, I bet if I think about it real hard I can remember my first pair of shoes. Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.”

I challenge you this morning as we talk about all the shoes, to look and see which shoes you have worn in your life and what shoes you are wearing today.

2 John 1:4-6 4It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

Ephesians 6:14-15, - Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Intro Story on TOMS SHOES

OLD HOUSESHOES - I've made a commitment to Christ, but I've been pretty lazy when it comes to serving Him.

DRESS SHOES I have a nice, shiny faith on the outside, but I only bring it out on Sunday's and special occasions.

WORN OUT SHOES - I've come a long way, but I need some serious healing.
Matthew 15:8 “These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.”

SILLY ANIMAL HOUSESHOES My spiritual life is a joke. I don't take serving Jesus seriously. I want everyone to look at me instead of God.

SANDALS - When the weather is good and the sun is shining, I'm out there walking with the best of them - but when things get stormy, I get discouraged and quit.
John 8:12, 12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

WORK BOOTS It's been hard work lately, but I'm actually following through on my responsibilities.

Forrest Gump Clip 2
“Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!”

RUNNING SHOES - I feel like God is helping me to finish the race.
Isaiah 40:29-31, 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Which of these shoes best represents your own walk with Christ? Walking with Christ means knowing Him and obeying Him. As we do this our minds become transformed to be more like the mind of Christ. It means that when you stumble, and we all will, that you will get back up, dust yourself off, and start walking again. Because as followers of Christ, we know that we are not walking alone. He is with us every step of the way, offering encouragement and love. As believers we also know what awaits us at the end of this eternity in the presence of our loving God.

Because as followers of Christ, we know that we are not walking alone. He is with us every step of the way, offering encouragement and love.

As believers we also know what awaits us at the end of this eternity in the presence of our loving God.

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

After hearing this, we should all hear the saying, “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes” you’ll have a new understanding….

Sunday, June 7, 2009


was sent this by a friend! I Love it!
- - - -
1. no1 b4 me. srsly.

2. dnt wrshp pix/idols

3. no omg's

4. no wrk on w/end (sat 4 now; sun l8r)

5. pos ok - ur m&d r cool

6. dnt kill ppl

7. :-X only w/ m8

8. dnt steal

9. dnt lie re: bf

10. dnt ogle ur bf's m8. or ox. or dnkey. myob.

M, pls rite on tabs & giv 2 ppl.

ttyl, JHWH.

ps. wwjd?


was sent this by a friend! I Love it!
- - - -
1. no1 b4 me. srsly.

2. dnt wrshp pix/idols

3. no omg's

4. no wrk on w/end (sat 4 now; sun l8r)

5. pos ok - ur m&d r cool

6. dnt kill ppl

7. :-X only w/ m8

8. dnt steal

9. dnt lie re: bf

10. dnt ogle ur bf's m8. or ox. or dnkey. myob.

M, pls rite on tabs & giv 2 ppl.

ttyl, JHWH.

ps. wwjd?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its a girl...due Oct. 17th!

This morning I went with my wife for an ultra sound....and we found out we are having a Girl!  The due date is Oct. 17th.

I'll post pictures later today.

Its a girl...due Oct. 17th!

This morning I went with my wife for an ultra sound....and we found out we are having a Girl!  The due date is Oct. 17th.

I'll post pictures later today.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Take a moment and "Clear the stage"

A friend of mine sent me this song by Ross King called "Clear the stage"

After the music ends....take a moment and be silent and see what God is speaking to you about today....

Take a moment and "Clear the stage"

A friend of mine sent me this song by Ross King called "Clear the stage"

After the music ends....take a moment and be silent and see what God is speaking to you about today....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My vent

Lately I've had a couple of issues come about and its frustrating when people don't come to let you know when they have an issue.
Being in the church, this has been a pet peeve of mine for all 12 years of being in ministry.
I just don't understand why if someone has an issue, even if it is something small it takes the phone tree and 4 people to relay me the message.

And at times, this takes weeks or even months to reach me. And at that point it is hard for me to deal with it or let alone know who it is from.

I'm a pretty open person and can work on things, I would love to hear if there is an issue, so we can either resolve it or I can explain to you my actions or why we do things a certain way.

So if you have an issue with anyone....go to them...not other people!

Its just funny the things that happen in church life!

My vent

Lately I've had a couple of issues come about and its frustrating when people don't come to let you know when they have an issue.
Being in the church, this has been a pet peeve of mine for all 12 years of being in ministry.
I just don't understand why if someone has an issue, even if it is something small it takes the phone tree and 4 people to relay me the message.

And at times, this takes weeks or even months to reach me. And at that point it is hard for me to deal with it or let alone know who it is from.

I'm a pretty open person and can work on things, I would love to hear if there is an issue, so we can either resolve it or I can explain to you my actions or why we do things a certain way.

So if you have an issue with anyone....go to them...not other people!

Its just funny the things that happen in church life!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Has it really been almost 2 weeks since I blogged?

Man, have I been busy!
Finishing this semester up for my masters in Christian Education has been keeping me busy!
I still have one more 10 page paper I need to finish up!

But luckily for me, I have been smart and have taken some time between projects, papers, and class, and work.

Last week we went to Nashville, TN for the Dove Awards and this week I went to the Pro-AM Golf Tourney at Quail Hollow here in Charlotte.

But after Monday at Midnight....Things will quiet down and get back to normal for a while!

Has it really been almost 2 weeks since I blogged?

Man, have I been busy!
Finishing this semester up for my masters in Christian Education has been keeping me busy!
I still have one more 10 page paper I need to finish up!

But luckily for me, I have been smart and have taken some time between projects, papers, and class, and work.

Last week we went to Nashville, TN for the Dove Awards and this week I went to the Pro-AM Golf Tourney at Quail Hollow here in Charlotte.

But after Monday at Midnight....Things will quiet down and get back to normal for a while!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Priorites Talk from Sunday Night

I got this a while back and used it a couple of times. While I was at Wal-mart the other night, I saw the Sham wow towel for sale and decided it was the perfect way to end this illustration.

Priorities Illustration

Items needed: symbol represented:
4 foam balls (about 3-4” in diameter) God and Family
2 glass jars (just big enough for 2 of the 3-4” balls) Our lives/time (to be filled)
a lot of marbles Work, school, friends,
2 bowls (to hold the marbles) --
2 pitchers of water Things in our lives

Divide your contents as follows:
On one tray, put 1 empty glass jar, 2 3-4” balls, 1 bowl of marbles, and 1 pitcher of water.

Sometimes in life we can mess up our priorities. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” He basically says, “Don’t worry about getting stuff. Put me first in life and you’ll be taken care of.”

Imagine this glass jar represents our lives. Everything you see here will fit easily into this glass jar if we do it right. (Grab the two balls) Now imagine one of these represents God, and the other: family. (Push both balls one at a time into glass jar) If we take care of the big things first, you can see clearly that there’s plenty of room in our lives for God and family. There’s plenty of time to read God’s word and spend time with Him. You may say, “But what about work? What about school?” (Grab the bowl of marbles) Well, don’t worry. These marbles will represent work, school, time with friends and so on. These are important, but not as important as God and family. If we put them in next we’ll see that they’ll fit around the big stuff in life. (Begin to pour them in, shuffling the glass jar every now and again to make them all fit.) After we’ve taken care of the more important things in life, now we can fit in the time to play video games, or go shopping. (Grab pitcher and pour water into jar until full.) You’ll see that God really will take care of us if He is truly first in our lives.

But what if we spend all of our time playing video games? What if all we did was shop with friends? What if we did absolutely nothing except watch T.V. all day? (Grab the pitcher of water and fill the jar all the way up with water only) In other words, what if the meaningless stuff in life consumed us? You can see that our lives are pretty much full of nothing important. (Begin to pour the marble contents of bowl into jar. Let the water splash) After we’re tired of playing video games or shopping, we usually like to make room for friends, and sometimes even work. Hey, (sarcastic) we need that money don’t we? (Grab the two balls) But then we remember that we haven’t spent time with God. Well it’s a little too late for that, but I know a lot of people who try to do this. (Shove each ball into the jar forcing the water to splash out making a big mess) All this does is create one big, fat mess.

I added to this by using the Sham-WOW cloth to clean up the mess and used it as an illustration, that even when our life becomes a mess....God is always there to clean it up.

**********tip: Pre-measure water

Priorites Talk from Sunday Night

I got this a while back and used it a couple of times. While I was at Wal-mart the other night, I saw the Sham wow towel for sale and decided it was the perfect way to end this illustration.

Priorities Illustration

Items needed: symbol represented:
4 foam balls (about 3-4” in diameter) God and Family
2 glass jars (just big enough for 2 of the 3-4” balls) Our lives/time (to be filled)
a lot of marbles Work, school, friends,
2 bowls (to hold the marbles) --
2 pitchers of water Things in our lives

Divide your contents as follows:
On one tray, put 1 empty glass jar, 2 3-4” balls, 1 bowl of marbles, and 1 pitcher of water.

Sometimes in life we can mess up our priorities. Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” He basically says, “Don’t worry about getting stuff. Put me first in life and you’ll be taken care of.”

Imagine this glass jar represents our lives. Everything you see here will fit easily into this glass jar if we do it right. (Grab the two balls) Now imagine one of these represents God, and the other: family. (Push both balls one at a time into glass jar) If we take care of the big things first, you can see clearly that there’s plenty of room in our lives for God and family. There’s plenty of time to read God’s word and spend time with Him. You may say, “But what about work? What about school?” (Grab the bowl of marbles) Well, don’t worry. These marbles will represent work, school, time with friends and so on. These are important, but not as important as God and family. If we put them in next we’ll see that they’ll fit around the big stuff in life. (Begin to pour them in, shuffling the glass jar every now and again to make them all fit.) After we’ve taken care of the more important things in life, now we can fit in the time to play video games, or go shopping. (Grab pitcher and pour water into jar until full.) You’ll see that God really will take care of us if He is truly first in our lives.

But what if we spend all of our time playing video games? What if all we did was shop with friends? What if we did absolutely nothing except watch T.V. all day? (Grab the pitcher of water and fill the jar all the way up with water only) In other words, what if the meaningless stuff in life consumed us? You can see that our lives are pretty much full of nothing important. (Begin to pour the marble contents of bowl into jar. Let the water splash) After we’re tired of playing video games or shopping, we usually like to make room for friends, and sometimes even work. Hey, (sarcastic) we need that money don’t we? (Grab the two balls) But then we remember that we haven’t spent time with God. Well it’s a little too late for that, but I know a lot of people who try to do this. (Shove each ball into the jar forcing the water to splash out making a big mess) All this does is create one big, fat mess.

I added to this by using the Sham-WOW cloth to clean up the mess and used it as an illustration, that even when our life becomes a mess....God is always there to clean it up.

**********tip: Pre-measure water

Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Great Sunday!

Today was another great "workday" at the church. It started with leading our youth praise team in the anthem for the Traditional Service. We played our own acoustic version of "Give me your Eyes" By Brandon Heath. It was really fun and the congregation seemed to enjoy it. It is amazing to think how far this group of teens has come. This time last year, we barely knew 5 to 10 songs that we could play together with any we are learning songs in a week and leading the youth in an amazing time of worship.

This evening Revolution was great. Music was great! The bumble bee skit was AWESOME...too bad we didn't get it on video! And the message that I gave went over great. I'll post the copy of the message later this week.

Well I'm headed to bed, so I can finish my paper in the morning...I am so ready for this semester to be over with!

Another Great Sunday!

Today was another great "workday" at the church. It started with leading our youth praise team in the anthem for the Traditional Service. We played our own acoustic version of "Give me your Eyes" By Brandon Heath. It was really fun and the congregation seemed to enjoy it. It is amazing to think how far this group of teens has come. This time last year, we barely knew 5 to 10 songs that we could play together with any we are learning songs in a week and leading the youth in an amazing time of worship.

This evening Revolution was great. Music was great! The bumble bee skit was AWESOME...too bad we didn't get it on video! And the message that I gave went over great. I'll post the copy of the message later this week.

Well I'm headed to bed, so I can finish my paper in the morning...I am so ready for this semester to be over with!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today, I’m going barefoot throughout the day...

Today, I’m going barefoot throughout the day...why you might ask?
I’m going barefoot to raise awareness of those who go barefoot everyday, not by choice but by no other alternative.

The Facts.

* Fact #1: In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to food, clean water and to seek medical help.
* Fact #2: Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection
* Fact #3: Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
* Fact #4: In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
* Fact #5: Podoconiosis is 100% preventable by wearing shoes.

TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.
One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we’re all about.

For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.
Make a difference, buy a pair here. Get 10% off with coupon code: SpringTOMS

Jessica and I both bought a pair of shoes 2 more children in need will have shoes.

Today, I’m going barefoot throughout the day...

Today, I’m going barefoot throughout the day...why you might ask?
I’m going barefoot to raise awareness of those who go barefoot everyday, not by choice but by no other alternative.

The Facts.

* Fact #1: In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to food, clean water and to seek medical help.
* Fact #2: Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection
* Fact #3: Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
* Fact #4: In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
* Fact #5: Podoconiosis is 100% preventable by wearing shoes.

TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.
One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we’re all about.

For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need.
Make a difference, buy a pair here. Get 10% off with coupon code: SpringTOMS

Jessica and I both bought a pair of shoes 2 more children in need will have shoes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Michael Hendrickson Tribute Video #2

Here is the video we showed at Michael's service. We replaced the audio with the audio from the service of the song Heart of Worship, performed Eric Hendrickson, Robbie Lester, and Chip Herring

The Michael J. Hendrickson Academic Support Fund, a UGA scholarship fund for students in the recreation and leisure studies program, has been launched our family for my brother Michael Hendrickson, who died of meningococcal disease in Dec. 2007.

Michael Hendrickson Tribute Video #2

Here is the video we showed at Michael's service. We replaced the audio with the audio from the service of the song Heart of Worship, performed Eric Hendrickson, Robbie Lester, and Chip Herring

The Michael J. Hendrickson Academic Support Fund, a UGA scholarship fund for students in the recreation and leisure studies program, has been launched our family for my brother Michael Hendrickson, who died of meningococcal disease in Dec. 2007.

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes


So its almost been a year now since I became part of the Twitter world, thanks to following the blog of Third Day's Mark Lee.
So what the deal with twitter you might ask?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or applications such as Tweetie, Twitterrific, Twitterfon, TweetDeck and feedalizr.

I am closing in on 100 followers, I know a few actually read them and respond, while others, I have no clue why they follow! I used to use it to update my facebook status, but then it confused people more than anything. It is a great way for me in ministry to find new ideas, read interesting blogs and websites. And it also fun to catch some of the celebrities and see what they are doing. I use it mostly on my phone when I'm out and about doing things or I use TweetDeck, which shows both your twitter and facebook updates.
Its just another way to update what I am doing...
So in short...if you don't tweet...try it out....add me as a friend!


So its almost been a year now since I became part of the Twitter world, thanks to following the blog of Third Day's Mark Lee.
So what the deal with twitter you might ask?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or applications such as Tweetie, Twitterrific, Twitterfon, TweetDeck and feedalizr.

I am closing in on 100 followers, I know a few actually read them and respond, while others, I have no clue why they follow! I used to use it to update my facebook status, but then it confused people more than anything. It is a great way for me in ministry to find new ideas, read interesting blogs and websites. And it also fun to catch some of the celebrities and see what they are doing. I use it mostly on my phone when I'm out and about doing things or I use TweetDeck, which shows both your twitter and facebook updates.
Its just another way to update what I am doing...
So in short...if you don't tweet...try it out....add me as a friend!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is RISEN! Happy Easter

Today is my favorite day of the year. It is Master's Sunday....It is Easter Sunday! It is the day that we celebrate Christ rising from the Grave. It is the hope and glory that we all share, that we too will rise with Christ. It is a day to be thankful for the sacrifice that Christ laid out for us on the cross 2000 years ago. It is what true love is. It is the day of our Risen Savior!

A short SandStory segment of the full Passion performance by Joe Castillo

He is RISEN! Happy Easter

Today is my favorite day of the year. It is Master's Sunday....It is Easter Sunday! It is the day that we celebrate Christ rising from the Grave. It is the hope and glory that we all share, that we too will rise with Christ. It is a day to be thankful for the sacrifice that Christ laid out for us on the cross 2000 years ago. It is what true love is. It is the day of our Risen Savior!

A short SandStory segment of the full Passion performance by Joe Castillo

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stop and Think this Easter Weekend

Take a couple minutes this Easter Weekend and take a look at this video.

Stop and Think this Easter Weekend

Take a couple minutes this Easter Weekend and take a look at this video.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joke in a Box

So this past Friday and Saturday, we made chocolate/peanut butter Easter eggs as a fundraiser for our New Orleans Mission Trip.

Somewhere between home and the church I came up with this prank for the students to get each other!

Joke in a Box

So this past Friday and Saturday, we made chocolate/peanut butter Easter eggs as a fundraiser for our New Orleans Mission Trip.

Somewhere between home and the church I came up with this prank for the students to get each other!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Awanita 2009

What can I say...

This past weekend was one of the best retreats I have ever been a part of, even though it poured all weekend!

Friday night we stopped on the way at the World Famous Beacon! Thanks to my college buddy Wes Church, who called up there to let them know we were coming.  Everyone loved there food APLENTY!   And to conclude we had the Pig Feast Dessert, where my team won me a Beacon Trucker Hat and a JC Bobble Head!

Then we drove 45 minutes and arrived at Awanita.  We had a great night of worship with the Josh Ridings Band followed by a great talk by Jason Sansbury.

The next morning, equaled more rain, but it really didn't matter.  We had a great morning worship session, followed by fun in the rain.  A bunch of us went out onto the lake in the Paddle boats while it was raining buckets.  Then we had a couple of rides on the Awanita Hummer to the top of the mountain in the rain.  Then we followed that with some trips down the zipline into the freezing lake.

That night we had another great worship session followed by hanging out watching a Remember the Titans and also throwing the football and basketballs around.

We concluded on Sunday with a great final worship, followed by an early departure to beat the winter storm.

I would have never thought a Rain drenched  weekend would have been so great!   Our students didn't let the rain or no cell phone signals get in the way.  Instead they allowed themselves to let go, get to know each other better and grow with God.
I wish more retreats would run this great!

Thanks again to the Josh Ridings Band and Jason Sansbury for a great weekend!

Awanita 2009

What can I say...

This past weekend was one of the best retreats I have ever been a part of, even though it poured all weekend!

Friday night we stopped on the way at the World Famous Beacon! Thanks to my college buddy Wes Church, who called up there to let them know we were coming.  Everyone loved there food APLENTY!   And to conclude we had the Pig Feast Dessert, where my team won me a Beacon Trucker Hat and a JC Bobble Head!

Then we drove 45 minutes and arrived at Awanita.  We had a great night of worship with the Josh Ridings Band followed by a great talk by Jason Sansbury.

The next morning, equaled more rain, but it really didn't matter.  We had a great morning worship session, followed by fun in the rain.  A bunch of us went out onto the lake in the Paddle boats while it was raining buckets.  Then we had a couple of rides on the Awanita Hummer to the top of the mountain in the rain.  Then we followed that with some trips down the zipline into the freezing lake.

That night we had another great worship session followed by hanging out watching a Remember the Titans and also throwing the football and basketballs around.

We concluded on Sunday with a great final worship, followed by an early departure to beat the winter storm.

I would have never thought a Rain drenched  weekend would have been so great!   Our students didn't let the rain or no cell phone signals get in the way.  Instead they allowed themselves to let go, get to know each other better and grow with God.
I wish more retreats would run this great!

Thanks again to the Josh Ridings Band and Jason Sansbury for a great weekend!

Friday, February 27, 2009


It's late on Thursday night/Friday morning and I'm washing clothes and packing for our Winter/Spring Retreat.

I'm really looking forward to going back to Awanita Valley Retreat Center.  I still remember the first time I went back in 1995, when Chip was the speaker.  It was the week before Marvin UMC interview him to be our Youth Director.  It as an awesome weekend.  And then for the next 2 years we went back with the Augusta UMC District retreat.  Those were the days...

And then in 1998-2001 I went back as a counselor for Marvin UMC and also helped with the skits.  And then in 2003 I took my youth from Tucker 1st UMC there for a retreat.

Looking back over a decade later, I can see how Awanita helped shaped me into the Youth Pastor I am today.  It is really cool to see that.

And now 14 years later, I'm going back with another group.  It is going to be a great weekend.  Jason Sansbury, a close friend, is coming from Nashville, TN to be the speaker for the weekend.  Jason and I go way back to the days of the Augusta District.  He has been a great brother in Christ.  I'm really looking forward to the messages he is bringing this weekend.  I'm also looking forward to our awesome worship band led by a college friend of mine Josh Ridings.  Josh led worship at USC FCA.  While I was going through my wild stages at USC and attending FCA, he asked me to join the worship team and play guitar.  That was a big part of me getting back into ministry.

Well I'm headed to bed...and looking forward to a great weekend back at Awanita!


It's late on Thursday night/Friday morning and I'm washing clothes and packing for our Winter/Spring Retreat.

I'm really looking forward to going back to Awanita Valley Retreat Center.  I still remember the first time I went back in 1995, when Chip was the speaker.  It was the week before Marvin UMC interview him to be our Youth Director.  It as an awesome weekend.  And then for the next 2 years we went back with the Augusta UMC District retreat.  Those were the days...

And then in 1998-2001 I went back as a counselor for Marvin UMC and also helped with the skits.  And then in 2003 I took my youth from Tucker 1st UMC there for a retreat.

Looking back over a decade later, I can see how Awanita helped shaped me into the Youth Pastor I am today.  It is really cool to see that.

And now 14 years later, I'm going back with another group.  It is going to be a great weekend.  Jason Sansbury, a close friend, is coming from Nashville, TN to be the speaker for the weekend.  Jason and I go way back to the days of the Augusta District.  He has been a great brother in Christ.  I'm really looking forward to the messages he is bringing this weekend.  I'm also looking forward to our awesome worship band led by a college friend of mine Josh Ridings.  Josh led worship at USC FCA.  While I was going through my wild stages at USC and attending FCA, he asked me to join the worship team and play guitar.  That was a big part of me getting back into ministry.

Well I'm headed to bed...and looking forward to a great weekend back at Awanita!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So once again...

I had it set in my mind that I was going to blog daily....

and then once again instead of taking the 5-10 minutes i've just forgot about it..

But thats what happens when life gets really busy...

So once again I hope and will try to take care of my blogging duties and blog more than once a month.

Side note:  Since i read all the time for class...I have decided to use my drive time between school and work and erands to listen to audio books I've downloaded on itunes so I can finally read several books that have been on my to read list for a while.

So I am now listening to Chapter 5 of Crazy Love by Francis Chan

and also Chapter 2 of The Shack by: William P. Young

Both books are really amazing and really pushing me spiritually.