Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's your Revolution this Summer?

Revolution is defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving"

Many of us have experienced this change from God in church, in Revolution youth, in small groups, on a retreat, on River of Life, on ASP, at a concert....but have we truly made the change in our ways of thinking or behaving?

My question to you is...are you part of a Revolution for God?
Are you making a change of you?
Can your friends see it?
Can your family see it?
If not, what do you need to do, to show your inner changes to the outer world?

Invite a friend this week to church, sunday school, or to our Scavenger Hunt.

Let's make our Revolution for God seen and heard all around!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"-Matthew 28:19

What's your Revolution this Summer?

Revolution is defined as "a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving"

Many of us have experienced this change from God in church, in Revolution youth, in small groups, on a retreat, on River of Life, on ASP, at a concert....but have we truly made the change in our ways of thinking or behaving?

My question to you is...are you part of a Revolution for God?
Are you making a change of you?
Can your friends see it?
Can your family see it?
If not, what do you need to do, to show your inner changes to the outer world?

Invite a friend this week to church, sunday school, or to our Scavenger Hunt.

Let's make our Revolution for God seen and heard all around!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"-Matthew 28:19

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekly Planning Sheet for Youth Ministry

For those who asked about the sheet I have adapted and use for weekly planning

Enjoy, Adapt, Share!

Weekly Planning Sheet for Youth Ministry

For those who asked about the sheet I have adapted and use for weekly planning

Enjoy, Adapt, Share!

Getting organized again in the office

A couple a weeks ago I started making a "To Do" list for the week to help get me on track, because I had several things I needed to do and wanted to make sure I didn't forget any of them. So at about 1am on a Saturday night, I emailed myself a list of ten things I needed to do that next week. By the time I got to the office to retrieve the list off my email I added about 5 more items. So the next two weeks I repeated and added the things I didnt complete from the week before. I thought that this was an amazing concept. So I told my good friend Mark about it....and he was like I thought you had made a sheet to do that and you used to use it at Tucker and Lithia....and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.... So after several minutes of searching I found my old sheet that I had created back in 2001 to keep me organized. So its back in place. I still have no clue why I stopped using it when I moved here in 2007, but its back and I love it! And if you need a copy, let me know and i'll send you it. It breaks down main events for the week, who to email, who to call, things to plan, and a place for brainstorming (which i love to use). Who says youth workers can't be organized!

Getting organized again in the office

A couple a weeks ago I started making a "To Do" list for the week to help get me on track, because I had several things I needed to do and wanted to make sure I didn't forget any of them. So at about 1am on a Saturday night, I emailed myself a list of ten things I needed to do that next week. By the time I got to the office to retrieve the list off my email I added about 5 more items. So the next two weeks I repeated and added the things I didnt complete from the week before. I thought that this was an amazing concept. So I told my good friend Mark about it....and he was like I thought you had made a sheet to do that and you used to use it at Tucker and Lithia....and I was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah.... So after several minutes of searching I found my old sheet that I had created back in 2001 to keep me organized. So its back in place. I still have no clue why I stopped using it when I moved here in 2007, but its back and I love it! And if you need a copy, let me know and i'll send you it. It breaks down main events for the week, who to email, who to call, things to plan, and a place for brainstorming (which i love to use). Who says youth workers can't be organized!