I also retweeted my friend Jonathan Pearson who wrote, " Easter is a great day to celebrate. If it ends the day after, though, we fail the One we celebrate"
Every church I that I have served at during the past 14 years, the Sunday after Easter is always the lowest attendance of the year. For me it really blows my mind how you can experience an amazing service on Easter (and lets face it, every church amps it up for Easter and takes it the next level...its like Super Bowl Sunday) and then the next week have the lowest number. It just doesn't make sense!
It's crazy talk! It's just flat crazy. How can you experience an amazing worship service that celebrates the greatest miracle of all time...Jesus raising from the dead and then the next Sunday not be jacked up about it?
The Sunday after Easter really should be our highest attendance of the year. Everyone should hear the Easter message and want to bring someone back the next week! But sadly it often goes in one ear and out the next. We fail to make it personal. We fail to celebrate it on Easter Monday...instead we have an Easter Hangover. And we become numb to what we just celebrated. Maybe its too many candbury eggs and chocolate bunnies. Or maybe we just don't get it.
I challenge you to continue to daily celebrate Easter and to invite someone this week to church. Let's get past the Easter Hangover and introduce someone new to our Risen Lord!
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