Last week in my youth group, I did our second week on being INKED. The topic was being INKED in Service. During the week before I wrote, then rewrote, then tweaked it some more. Then on Sunday morning I added another piece to it. I was kinda unsure about it and then one of my adults showed up early for Sunday School and he asked what we were doing that night. I told him my idea and that I was unsure if the students would get into it or not. He thought it was just what the students needed from what he observed from his own daughter and our guys small group.
I started off by reviewing being INKED in Love and the students brought up several things that they had thought about after the lesson the week before. I then transitioned into asking the students what it meant to serve. Many students gave mission trips, helping the homeless, and ushering in church. I told them that I wanted them to think outside the box. God calls us to love and serve our neighbors. How about when:
- We think and act not only in our own best interests, but also take seriously life in our school, congregation, community and our responsibilities to all of God’s people.
- We place our friends' and family's interests ahead of our own.
- We are knit into relationships of mutual care.
- We act with a focus on generosity, justice and inclusion.
I then asked the students to break out into groups with their friends of 4-6. They were first really shocked that I asked them to pair up with their friends, because I usually ask them to find someone new. After the grouped up. I asked them to come up with a way to serve our congregation during the next month. I asked them to write the idea up and give it to me before they left. Their mission was to be their own and they were asked to document in picture or video their mission.
Here is what they came up with:
Group 1: Volunteer for yard work for free to the elderly in the church
Group 2: Bake Cookies to hand out after both services
Group 3: Make Candy bags for the kids Sunday School, take flowers to people on prayer list, write Bible verses on Post it Notes and hand them out
Group 4: Bake Cookies and Brownies to hand out to the Contemporary Service twice
Group 5: Pick up trash on Church property and volunteer to take down chairs after service.
Group 6: Provide dessert for Wednesday night supper
Group 7: TBA
UPDATE: Group 2... gave out bags of freshly baked cookies on October 24th to the early service and everyone was blown away.
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